
326 HP PH

tesoro, what is your contradiction?


curiosity :)

hacia el camino de la herbolaria. Al mercadito!

El medio es el mensaje.

i love congruency and incongruency, both and both at the same time.

Try to control the wind :)

random things that i just love... lo que es justo, when the guy at the deli counter gives me a free taste, ver nidos, drawing on steamy mirrors, figuring the plot twist before it actually happens, cleaning my computer, the sky, singing and dancing simultaneously, an unexpected hug, when strangers say hi, when people smile at me, finding money in my jeans, typing fast, peeling my sucks under the sheets, a long shower, keeping a promise, improvising, when the phone rings and is someone i was thinking about, listening to something that has never been heard before, sharing thoughts, learning new words, dreaming in another language, being able to go back and continue having the same dream i was having before i woke up, paradoxes!... ok i need to stop.

life is a gift, but it is also a choice.
what a great paradox, language :)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." de George Orwell en 1984

Renunciation is the way to experience freedom.

last night I had a dream. it said something about something. This time i am listening.


"O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!"
-Master Shakespeare

Some paradoxes:

Zeno's paradoxes: "You will never reach point B from point A as you must always get half-way there, and half of the half, and half of that half, and so on..."

Abilene paradox: People can make decisions based not on what they actually want to do, but on what they think that other people want to do, with the result that everybody decides to do something that nobody really wants to do, but only what they thought that everybody else wanted to.

Exception paradox: "If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception; the exception to this one being that it has no exception." "There's always an exception to the rule, except to the exception of the rule — which is, in of itself, an accepted exception of the rule."

This time it took me so long to come back here. Today running felt different. Writing, also. i cannot perceive (now) what is going on. i feel different. i've been recognizing old fears. i thought they were gone, but they are here. let's look at them and see what they are trying to show me.

Napoleon. I love that name.



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