
275 HP PH

p r i s m

p h o s p h o r e s c e n c e

"la pasión de G.H." -clarice lispector my new lover.

human trafficking. the 3rd most profitable illicit business.

"i am a question" 

prayer- you with God
meditation- God with you

edgar cayce- psychic ARE foundation

"memories, reflections and dreams" -c. jung

21k "corres porque crees en ti"; my grandpa, my father. "el dolor dura un instante, el orgullo toda la vida"; "no es un reto, es un sueño"

Que Malarmé esté contigo (el poeta del azar)

jul 15- 1 año!

"have fun" -janice (face reader)

w i t h i n

el Todo me incluye :)

"tu perrito está botijón"

book club august

"bring me the sunset in a cup" -emily dickinson


psychic muscles

"in this short life that only lasts an hour how much -how little- is within our power" 

des-gracia. (gracias)

doing same but different! vulnerabilty.

life is just one of those things.

the ultimate reason is beacause.


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