
After all, what weight could be greater than the weight of nothing?


The miracle: Almost having after having had not. The indifference to indifference harbors duplicity. In a world where nothing matters, nothing is every what it seems. Having is a having-not is, perhaps, the only way of having. Nothing seems more grave than indifference; indeed, the burden of "Nothing matters" can plunge one into a fathomless abyss of despair. After all, what weight could be greater than the weight of nothing? Yet "nothing matters" is light-terribly light. The recognition of the insubstantially of it all can prepare the way for overcoming gravity. In this new physics, which is no longer a metaphysics, equations must be rewritten and calculations refigured:

Gravity= Everything matters
Levity= Nothing matters 

With the loss of gravity, nothing remains serious. When nothing weighs us down, we lose our moorings and are left to float freely. The levity that allows levitation is not measured by our distance from the ground but by the way we walk the earth. Paradoxically, the loss of gravity allows us to remain earthbound.

The lightness of touch signals-albeit indirectly- a serious grasp of nothing. To walk the earth with  indifference, we must hold on by letting go. If we are not to sink under the weight of responsibility for making a difference, our holding must be a releasing. Having is a miracle because our having is always a having-not. When we have by having.not, we are able to hold on by letting go. If levity is what allows us to remain earthbound, then nothing is more serious than the lack of gravity. Far from insignificant, levity is nothing more and nothing less than the bearable lightness of being not. 

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