
The Iron Lady

Watch your thoughts for they become words. 
Watch your words for they become actions. 
Watch your actions for they become...habits. 
Watch your habits, for they become your character. 
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! 
What we think we become. 
-The Iron Lady

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

Being prime minister is a lonely job... you cannot lead from the crowd.

Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.

I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.

Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.

The Iron Lady


mientras trabajo, #MEGAguiltypleasure!!

Eres Sirena
Sin Bandera


the singing debut

one night i ended up singing Karaoke. This is what I sang,

"if love was red then she was colour-blind" #profound

To the Moon and Back
Savage Garden

afterwards, it started snowing!
do not forget this moment of happiness
you will remember it when it comes back

answers from God's prayers:
1. YES!
2. Not Yet
3. I have something better on mind 

"... and the power was in his choice" -Schwartz

en una conversación, "i came to NY to find life and so I found it"


i like having seasons!!! #nyc

Happy New Year!!! The Year of the Dragon!

after death, a journey


think about your ending #tip imagine how beautiful it could be

luck is strange

thank (you) for giving me back something i treasure and i lost 

and then suddenly it happened...

circles are strange too

en una conversación, "You cannot ask someone to be somewhere that s(he) is not"

accident has invited Truth, a certitude except, art

bring your senses to play

form is the restricting yourself to a contain set of possibilities

"our lives are a constant act of creation even though we have decided that we have created enough"

loss lead me into movement, led me into a new world

a choice,

After all, what weight could be greater than the weight of nothing?


The miracle: Almost having after having had not. The indifference to indifference harbors duplicity. In a world where nothing matters, nothing is every what it seems. Having is a having-not is, perhaps, the only way of having. Nothing seems more grave than indifference; indeed, the burden of "Nothing matters" can plunge one into a fathomless abyss of despair. After all, what weight could be greater than the weight of nothing? Yet "nothing matters" is light-terribly light. The recognition of the insubstantially of it all can prepare the way for overcoming gravity. In this new physics, which is no longer a metaphysics, equations must be rewritten and calculations refigured:

Gravity= Everything matters
Levity= Nothing matters 

With the loss of gravity, nothing remains serious. When nothing weighs us down, we lose our moorings and are left to float freely. The levity that allows levitation is not measured by our distance from the ground but by the way we walk the earth. Paradoxically, the loss of gravity allows us to remain earthbound.

The lightness of touch signals-albeit indirectly- a serious grasp of nothing. To walk the earth with  indifference, we must hold on by letting go. If we are not to sink under the weight of responsibility for making a difference, our holding must be a releasing. Having is a miracle because our having is always a having-not. When we have by having.not, we are able to hold on by letting go. If levity is what allows us to remain earthbound, then nothing is more serious than the lack of gravity. Far from insignificant, levity is nothing more and nothing less than the bearable lightness of being not. 


i'm mortality

do not use beauty as a knife


"we will do it short and sweet" -b.

"being on a diet isn't a piece of cake" -n.

my favorite nickname for a dog, the "beso-machine"

 une maison de beurre!

black tea shopping!

decidida a comenzar a escribir mi libro

no one to blame -Erica Jong
Absolutely! #newfavoriteword

monday of feeling like a smelly hippie :)

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it -Bill Cosby

Ask and you shall receive


soñé. me di cuenta que era un sueño y por primera vez no desperté. 
decidí volar y volé.  #abeginning

God only gives three answers to prayer: 1. 'Yes!' 2. 'Not yet.' 3. 'I have something better in mind.

5 #odd ;)

Once you have learned to love, You will have learned to live -Unknown


un pisa corbatas,



‎"size matters not,... Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?...
 For my ally is the Force..."


On Tom Ford

Immigrant Song
Karen O with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Born to Die
Lana del Rey


First time I blog from my iPhone!

"Time seems to slow as perception sharpens"

Vendrá la primavera pero nada como un sol de invierno

Café con leche

Trois portobellos au goût!

Descansé para tres siglos

You don't need anyone. You choose someone. :)

Pancho juega con su uva! #melting

A partner is not about making you happy. It is about learning.

I learn from reflection A (:) world.

1.3c +.o4 x 2 :)

Que tierno mr. Chow!

Por un momento olvidé lo que se siente estar aquí.

I <3 u Steve Jobs!

a promise made,


a Liza Minelli day

New York, New York
Liza Minelli and Frank Sinatra

Rosca de Reyes from Queens!

thank you sis,

thank you r,

from one dimension to another

"i came here because yesterday i changed my name

after tonight, my business cards will never be the same

y no pude llorar

personalize it!

en mis historias efímeras

surrounded by people who love what i love!

and suddenly you are in a jazz place full with dancing people! #walkingdownnyc

back to school! #definitelysuchanerd

a sonreír que algún día estaremos chimuelos!

testigos de que una historia no pudo continuar

y entonces pensé que sería la última vez que nos veríamos. y por primera vez estuve bien con la idea.

"esto es lo que siento cuando estoy contigo"...y entonces paró el tiempo!

to a.l and a. "now" and "embrace" happy2012 to you!

oh! yes, it is a silent movie! :) #iforgottomention

can't wait to go back home and Cook! #moiunechef

Wednesday to do list: please do not open Pandora's box



the most amazing tea cup... Ever!

please, submerge in tea!!! #fun

Design by: Esther Horchner


i've been singing this song

Aretha Franklin

Ps. Today I fell in love with NY... once again.


strength and beauty

what an artist!


"I am not interested in how people move but what moves them" -p.b.


Lean on me


