to all the people that are doing great things for life. thank you.
el hábito de ser puntual
life is a celebration, Mazeltov!
"Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behavior, and our behavior changes our outcomes"
en una conversación, "let's talk about the invisible"
alas de oro
una intención
este: principio (las plantas)
sur: agua
oeste: los animales
norte: la tierra, los humanos
get to show who you are
mi intención me rebasa
thoughts on teaching: teach + learn at the same time
my sister is getting married! :) in the journey of her new family
la fuerza de lo femenino
el dar a veces está en el no dar
la sexualidad dejó de ser amenazante, se transformó en un camino.
enjoy yourself!
conocí a alguien más ambicioso y más workoholic, interesting
de regreso en casa, es extraño las cosas que extrañas
las cosas que me hacen feliz, han cambiado
algunos les llegan mariposas, a mí me llegó una larva :) #overinterpretation
que rico es cotorrear
abandonar una idea #tip
dobles mensajes: ew
después de un millón de dias
nada por nada, un intercambio
Mexico in one word: Delicious!
en una conversación "i am so glad to have met you when I did" -m.
por si las flies
healthy choices!
como dice mi tarjeta de banco, FREEDOM!
"*just dance*" - a
aloe vera,
de regreso en casa, es extraño las cosas que extrañas
las cosas que me hacen feliz, han cambiado
algunos les llegan mariposas, a mí me llegó una larva :) #overinterpretation
que rico es cotorrear
a bit! a little bit!
abandonar una idea #tip
dobles mensajes: ew
mosquitos fiesteros
después de un millón de dias
nada por nada, un intercambio
Mexico in one word: Delicious!
en una conversación "i am so glad to have met you when I did" -m.
por si las flies
ready to do some swing!
healthy choices!
como dice mi tarjeta de banco, FREEDOM!
"*just dance*" - a
aloe vera,
if I had a talent...
It would be listening to what people sing in their minds
one that comes often to my mind,
The Girl From Ipanema
merci c,
Dictionary meaning: a persona having a love affair. Impermanent. Unfamilial. Inextricably linked to sex.
Lover...Oh, how I hated this word. So pretentious, like it was akways being translated from the French. The tint and taint of illicit, illegitimate affections.
I have never wanted a lover. In order to have a lover, I must go back to the root of the word. For I have never wanted a lover, but I have always wanted to love, and to be loved.
There is no word for the recipient of love. There is only a word for the giver. There is the assumption that lovers come in pairs.
When I say "be my lover", I don't mean "let's have an affair". I don't mean "sleep with me". I don't mean "be my secret".
I want us to go back down to that root.
I want you to be the one who loves me.
I want to be the one who loves you
-Anis Mojgani
en pequeñas Diosidencias
casi me caigo de la emoción.
en una conversación: -Qué extrañarás de México? -Todos los aguacatitos! #nostalguacate
aprender de otras experiencias ajenas
no ovular, mi tristeza más triste. pastillitas!
sucede que en unos días me mudo! entre una marea de sensaciones, sentimientos y pensamientos.
amanecí supersticiosa
una muerte repentina. el renacer cotidiano.
en una conversación: -Qué extrañarás de México? -Todos los aguacatitos! #nostalguacate
aprender de otras experiencias ajenas
desperté siendo la misma #fun
no ovular, mi tristeza más triste. pastillitas!
L̸u̸n̸e̸s̸ M̸a̸r̸t̸e̸s̸ M̸i̸ér̸c̸o̸l̸e̸s̸ J̸u̸e̸v̸e̸s̸ Viernes... Gracias a Dios !!!
sucede que en unos días me mudo! entre una marea de sensaciones, sentimientos y pensamientos.
leeme en un amanecer
discovered new mantra, "pain is a path to cleansing"
to do list: hire a spy. hire another spy. make them follow each other
una pregunta que me gusta, "Te divertiste?"
Chef Ripert describes Umami as "a state of mind that comes from a combination of flavors, a connection with earth... A wow effect"
descubri que soy reencorosa y exigente #kindaknewitalready
training for this moment
people talk to me about respect somewhat often... interesting
"just a thought"
to do list: hire a spy. hire another spy. make them follow each other
una pregunta que me gusta, "Te divertiste?"
Chef Ripert describes Umami as "a state of mind that comes from a combination of flavors, a connection with earth... A wow effect"
descubri que soy reencorosa y exigente #kindaknewitalready
the wealth of ingredients
food. think in season. compose a dish
a symphony of smells, textures and flavors
change dishes
training for this moment
people talk to me about respect somewhat often... interesting
thinking about relationships
life is better, shared
"just a thought"
victory over the sun
A Russian futurist opera, #fun
by: Alexei Kruchebykh
Composer: Mikhail Matyushin
explore the space in a page
today, I saw someone falling in love
start choosing good ingredients
talk to my lawyer (always wanted to say this. finally, i did)
life is strange (but good strange)
travel in time #fun
me gusta que me digan cosas bonitas, al oído
en una conversación,
-please can you tell me about your dream life? how you've been? have we met?
no hay como el amor de un fan
exchanging the old for the new. please, take your place. thank you.
i met my new mentor #open
the moon and the pills #soveryromantic
free your demons, let them go: i am not my fears
if I had to leave NYC, I would miss it so damn much #scarythought
learning from the comic readers #trip
dirty poem
thinking about doing the NYMarathon... #thoughts
atomisize a shape,
today, I saw someone falling in love
start choosing good ingredients
talk to my lawyer (always wanted to say this. finally, i did)
life is strange (but good strange)
le marais, tu me manques
travel in time #fun
me gusta que me digan cosas bonitas, al oído
en una conversación,
-please can you tell me about your dream life? how you've been? have we met?
"the tension between life and death... sense and senselessness of existence"
no hay como el amor de un fan
el arte de ta-ra-rear
exchanging the old for the new. please, take your place. thank you.
i met my new mentor #open
the moon and the pills #soveryromantic
free your demons, let them go: i am not my fears
learning from the comic readers #trip
the era of the VHS
dirty poem
thinking about doing the NYMarathon... #thoughts
atomisize a shape,
time for another Proust Questionnaire IV
The Proust Questionnaire IV
Favorite virtue, integrity, elegance and humor // courage and integrity // honesty // forgiveness
Favorite qualities in a man, lightness // naiveness // simplicity // humor
Favorite qualities in a woman, intuition // creation // intuition // strength
Your chief characteristic, honesty // imagination // curiosity // commitment
What you appreciate most in your friends, openness // sharing // trust //
Your main fault, doubt // doubt // doubt // doubt
Your favorite occupation, traveling // creating and sharing // making ideas happen: "producing" // acting, singing, dancing
Your idea of happiness, sharing and beauty // Freedom of being and freedom of expression // Being present // love and peace
Your idea of misery, envy and jealousy // sickness in mind, heart and/or body // Loneliness (physically, mentally, emotionally) // paralyzing fear
If not yourself, who would you be, maybe a water plant // A tree! // It is nice being in myself. I will work on my strength and flexibility. // I am glad to say this but I like myself today and I'd like to be more myself in the future
Where would you like to live, in a beautiful house with a garden, a balcony and a great bath tub! // new york city, Paris and Berlin // i like living in myself wherever although i am enthusiastic about us (me and I) going to NYC and Paris for now. // NYC, pairs and Tokyo
Your favorite color and flower, black and not sure // black and trees! // all! all! // all, all (hehe the punctuation changed!)
Favorite Prose authors, no new, I believe // many! // Lispector, Kundera, Heidegger // Kundera, Heidegger
Favorite Poets, Shakespeare, Whitman, Elliott, also some tweets are good // Shakespeare // Cummings, Sor Juana, Shakespeare, Eielson // Shakespeare and Sor Juana
Heroes and Heroines in fiction, none // Can't think of anything // Don't have... I like yoda. He is funny and wise but a "heroe-type" mhmm... nop, I don't. Maybe scientists, they start from fiction and they become it real! // yoda
Favorite painters and composers, artists: Rothko, Abramovic, Turrell, Marclay, so many! c: Cardin, Wagner, Mahler, Beethoven, Dvorak, // artists: abramovic, turrel, rothko, martin margiella, alexander wang, kapoor, sophie calle, ono, ...and many many more! composers: wagner, cage, mahler and beethoven // Many! (thank you for this question) // Still looking for my favorite, John Cage, La Monte Young, Bach
Heroes in real life, All creators, innovators, teachers, dancers and funny people // Any person who wants to become his or her better self // Don't have. I have learned mostly from ordinary people and ordinary stuff. They are all very wise! // Lennon
Heroines in real life, mothers + teachers // mom and grandma // I admire my grandma a lot! She is awesome! // Mom
What characters in history you mostly dislike, cowards, dishonest, abusive, irresponsible, selfish // dishonest, cowards and selfish leaders // I don't like cowards // irresponsible leaders
Favorite food and drink, snacks and any drink with soda excepts for soda // small food and earl grey french blue tea! // ice cream and fruit juice // chili, chocolate, mole, strawberry milkshake, black tea
Favorite names, merci // venue // lea // rainbow, lea
What i hate the most, injustice and liars // trying to be other than myself (sometimes I do) // i don't like hate // people hurting others
World history characters I hate the most, none // none // -// I don't like hate
The military event I admire the most, - // surrendering to peace // surrendering to peace // surrendering to peace
The reform I admire the most, small epiphanies // freedom of expression // the change of oneself's opinion // equal rights
The natural talent i'd like to be gifted with, memory, improvisation and adventure spirit // memoria, lightness, y hacer reír! // ubicuidad, memoria y hacer rerír a las personas // making people laugh
How I wish to die, all of the above + quietly // beautifully // happy // peacefully
What is your present state of mind, grateful // I am in a new york state of mind // my mind is not myself but we speak quite often // jamming
For what fault have you most toleration, lack of confidence // I do not consider myself Tolerant I prefer openness, honesty and acceptance // I am not "tolerant", I prefer honesty // shyness
Your favorite motto, "he who seeks for beauty will always find it" // "give birth to what you believe in" // "enjoy the beauty of the present" "it just happened" // "peace and love", "imagine"
1609 Hudson!
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
-Galileo Galilei
is this your heartbeat or is it mine?
create your rituals
recorreré todas tus edades
a place without any center
almost levitate, invite another to do it with you
2028 blocks, Manhattanism
"en eso que te metes a la ducha por mucho tiempo y sabes que está mal" -m.
heartbroken (the heart is a muscle)
me sentí tantito rebelde
changuitos por el nuevo #zip
"the power of will makes me what I am by making me other than what I have been"
"Shame, I explain, is regret for having done what you ought not have done, and guilt is regret for not having done what you ought to have done. My own experience leaves me little doubt - guilt trumps shame every time"
intimacy takes - and gives time
i have fantasies
"tu peor es nada" #loosingpatterns
"birth is always traumatic"
art:21 Season Six
Watch Trailer: Season 6, Art in the Twenty-First Century on PBS. See more from ART:21.
every moment has a gentle end
sometimes i am surprised of how nerdy i've become. maybe someday i'll be a teacher... daydreaming.
me gusta ir al post office #fun
servir es mi nuevo placer favorito! :)
sometimes i am surprised of how nerdy i've become. maybe someday i'll be a teacher... daydreaming.
a city's soul
me gusta ir al post office #fun
servir es mi nuevo placer favorito! :)
sea sea sea sea sea sea
si yo diera un consejo sería, viajar! #tip
yesterday i was there. today i am here. the two are light years apart.
"déjame me echo un coyotito"
the 7th train is my favorite line :) specially when you get to five pointz
today i want life, all of it.
sometimes you will experience the unimaginable
all one
vegetarian day #5 (ONLY because vegetarians can eat sea food!)
watch food inc #tipforpeoplewhowanttobecomevegetariansandvegans
i dance with a friend,
holding her hand realize,
how disconnected I have become
from the simple beauty of touch
"little in life can compare to feeling like we deserve what we've earned"
limpiar el TL #tip
and suddenly i stopped looking
like any other story, this one has a beginning,
The Iron Lady
Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become...habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!
What we think we become.
-The Iron Lady
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
Being prime minister is a lonely job... you cannot lead from the crowd.
Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.
I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.
Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.
Being prime minister is a lonely job... you cannot lead from the crowd.
Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.
I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph.
Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.
The Iron Lady
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