
the desire to stir

power: channel
action: inspire
essence: attunement
action: beautifies
power: elegance
essence: art

lo que hubo ya no será

admiro a mis abuelos. honrar mi pasado.

nada como un ponchecito. si, un ponchito. no, un panchito. hugs from r to u!

the weight of a sin. 
let's become lighter.

we contain opposing principles

kitchen wisdoms:
-boil as much stuff as you can!
-taste dish until finished
-you always want to eat best things first! (dessert!!)
-measure ingredients à l'intuition
-1 cup of rice= 2 cups of water

me he vuelto platicona! #quetantoestantito

breathe in your life
breathe out your death

celebrate the beauty of sexuality!

"quita tu chivita de aquí" ;)

what is to live by the sea?

back in Mexico City! 

daogv, so happy for you! :) gracias!

aquellos que siguen preguntándose y contestándose por si mismos

el cómo, la forma, lo espiritual
ignorar olímpicamente

"Swan...a desire to speak of the swan, to say something of its whiteness, 
the explosive nature of its movement, and the slow beating of its wings" 

a journey into the body

never become anything but yourself

congruency: so damn hot!

DO, the path

excited about ---> 2012!!!! 

a dandelion, 

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