
it is real & it is not really there

NYC, almost unreal

some nights you cannot put into words

me chulearon mi perfume en el metro

that is a pretty chart #aboutstatistics

sweet word, may i eat you?

hoy sentí que me recogían mis papás en la escuela #OMG

en una conversación, "I fell in love MASSIVELY" #J!

i like this word: silhouette (so damn funny)

there shouldn't be any forbidden word


"memory isn't static. it is a process. memory is never the same twice".

once upon a Tart...

g, i am celebrating! We all are vey grateful!

"a year from now you may wish you had started today" 
-karen lamb

"from me alone all has risen, in me all exists, in me all disolves"

ayurvedic massage, #lovingspaweek

12 random encounters, 4 mudanzas, 2 stories of 140 characters.

juego: steal a letter like i already di

craigslist missconnections! Awesome!

sucede que cae agua que no siento

bright colors,

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