...and then one day you too disappear
"i am a hole in a flute that the universe's breath moves through.
listen to this music"
-persian poet
i love google maps!
do what you believe is greatful! If you have not found it... Keep looking!
do what you believe is greatful! If you have not found it... Keep looking!
in seredipitous moments!
lo mejor que te puede pasar, ganarte el corazón de alguien más... dona el tuyo.
Perdona, siempre.
"el amor no tiene edad. Siempre está naciendo" -a.
exchange words
a hundred shades of green!
non attachment
non resistance
non judgment
Hoy amanece la vida en ti
space/form (interdependent)
"this too will pass"
bird, spread your wings!
travel towards your destiny, our journey
a floating poem
a reverence,
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