
create a journey

juego arquitectónico: diseñar un cementerio

elevator pitch #fun

people who are lactose intolerant #funny

build up a we
build it with yourself and then share it with another person
expand your self

right vs. right = dilemma

yesterday i spoke in class. today i gave my opinion. i have changed. it feels good. feeling vulnerable is hard but it is ok.

hoy conocí a un hombre de 50 años que jamás a tomado una taza de café.

work from a place of strength

what would you do more?
what would you do less?
what would you do completely different?

listen (to) a word for the first time 

the director of my program is like Yoda for the arts... #startswar 

something could happen between today and tomorrow

viewpoints,   .   .    .   (a point is not The point).

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