la ruta de la seda ...
21 HP PH
"...for I never saw true beauty 'til this night"
DNA makes me happy! #brinquito
una nueva etapa incluye la anterior. #espiral
una orquesta para sordos
amo a mi perrito! sí que lo hago! #si
extrañaba el rosa mexicano
"the more I give, the more I have, for both are infinite"
i like iphone maps! :) #new
me regalé una pregunta
juego: encontrar un "sabiondo"
dejar recibir #tip
un cangrejo violinista #fun
subtle days
una ebillita
flores de colores,
23 HP PH
a mi bisabuela,
cumplir tu destino con honradez, nobleza y coraje, una fiesta brava.

El Toro, qué raza!
El Torero, coqueteo con la muerte. (un abanico de supersticiones)
el toreo, un continuo ejercicio de lo bueno/malo; justo/injusto; bello/feo
Qué manera de bordar una faena,

Foto: "El Juli"
"nunca faltan los villamelones" -él
26 HP PH
"if there is a will, there is a way"
c o n f r o n t a r
go steelers!
my friends, wow!
juego: juntarpalabras!
to p. enjoy!
I am no different :)
dust, nombre para perrito: sin duda!
extraño la lluvia
"la vida es instituible" -r.
una luna y un E.T en bicicleta!
alacrán 2, i am sorry (again).
compartemalize !
un reflejo me hace cambiar de perspectiva. gracias. #fun
lago de tos
en google hay más resultados de "amor" que de "miedo"
mi tristeza
sabes que lavidatesonríe cuando: recibes macarrones de la durée!
29 HP PH
exquisite horror of reality
bettina brentano
an epistolary poem
hoy amanecí #creyendomecielo
talk to nature #tip
compartir té, una misión
only for the sake of elegance, eat a sound
un placer,
31 HP PH
"... que la vida es sueño y los sueños, sueños son"
-Calderón de la Barca
"...bring to art the world's respect and to the artist, self respect. may you all succeed in that vital mission" -her
quiero ir al festival de venecia
dissolve a problem #tip
una amistosa discusión, rico
El budismo, lo importante no es la historia sino creer en la doctrina. me permito dudar.
many beginnings ahead
el vasto océano tiene un solo sabor, a sal. nademos.
darío, gran nombre.
en una conversación, "pamela es tu apellido?"
one and two :)
ojos negros, los míos.
encontré un diskette! #fun
"keep a beginner's mind" -suzuki
a bow,
32 HP PH
hoy, #kafkaesque
n. i am with you. everything is going to be fine. i promise.
un lugar dudoso #fun
empiezo a delirar
porqué los passwords?! coño!
hoy pensé: y si fuera una foca?
un jardín colgante deseo
creatividad delirante
una flor silvestre, autenticidad
g. i am here. i will be here.
a. observa tu fortaleza desde-al corazón
m. la suerte te sonríe
un consejo "haz tuya la experiencia" -jl #meditación
state the obvious #tipdec
bathe in stars
"el alma no tiene concepto de tiempo" -c.
we are the journey. somos un medio.
hay tanto tiempo en el presente!
a polaroid,
33 HP PH
"out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. i'll meet you there"
-jelaluddin rumi (persian poet)
redefine what makes you secure #tip comenzemos por comunicar. #trydifferent
eat light #tip
juego: otherize
this quietness
juego: colour the sky
un nudito
light it,
34 HP PH
"light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation"
-James Turrell
this afternoon i missed this piece of art. quite lovely!
Sky Space
-James Turrell (he is #definitelyinspiring)
Bring the sky closer to you
-James Turrell
this afternoon i missed this piece of art. quite lovely!
Sky Space
-James Turrell (he is #definitelyinspiring)
Bring the sky closer to you
35 HP PH
The hours
Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Music by: Philip Glass (awesome soundtrack!)
como si la mañana no fuese extraña, desperté pensando en esta película y su música.
a single day
Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Music by: Philip Glass (awesome soundtrack!)
como si la mañana no fuese extraña, desperté pensando en esta película y su música.
a single day
37 HP PH
"beauty can never understand itself"
unlearn #tip
mi baño, jumanji
al alacrán, i am truly sorry.
"happening as we speak" -a.
voice/language/speech #listening
there is one theory: when you are in the womb of your mother you only hear the voice of your father because the voice of the *father is the only voice that transforms your habitat. (*a voice of x that can transform the body of your mother). when you come out of the womb you want to put a face to this voice. this is our connection to the voice of inspiration. we expect that there is a voice out there to change our environment.
qué hacer? -nada #tipdeunpez
juego: add color
i am a sleeper
from bedside to bedside #pamelanights
words, smoke
a ponerle agua a la plantita! #fun
38 HP PH
Das Rheingold
Produced by: Robert Lepage (i do like him! #creativegenius #inspiring)
Lepage shows the powers of imagination, the vitality of theatre, and the force of creativity.
Produced by: Robert Lepage (i do like him! #creativegenius #inspiring)
Lepage shows the powers of imagination, the vitality of theatre, and the force of creativity.
39 HP PH
"Romeo is banished
there is no end, no limit, no measure, bound
in that word's death. No words can that woe sound"
Tristan e Isolde
Tristan e Isolde
41 HP PH
b u t t e r
hacerme llorar, todas las gracias.extrañaba la ópera. un reencuentro.
"i thought you'd never ask" -m. #funny
lugares que terminan por llegar
que así sea
morning lights
explorando lo que quiero #meditación
disminuye la distancia #tip
gracias ch por el regalito :) #india
"I dream in my dream all the dreams of the other dreamers,
and I become the other dreamers" -Whitman
una pausa ,
42 HP PH
From: Works of Love
by: Soren Kierkergaard
to: my dear friend conz
Indeed, one can be deceived in many ways; one can be deceived in believing what is untrue, but on the other hand, one is also deceived in not believing what is true; one can be deceived by appearances, but one can also be deceived by the superficiality of shrewdness, by the flattering conceit which is absolutely certain that it cannot be deceived. Which deception is most dangerous? Whose recovery is more doubtful, that of him who does not see or of him who sees and still does not see? Which is more difficult, to awaken one who sleeps or to awaken one who, awake, dreams that he is awake? Which sight is more sorrowful, that which immediately and unrestrainedly moves to tears, like the sight of one unhappily deceived in love, or that which in a certain sense could tempt laughter, the sight of one who is self-deceived, whose foolish conceit of not being deceived is ludicrous, something to be laughed at, if its ludicrousness were not a still stronger expression for horror by signifying that he is not worth a tear?
44 HP PH
once upon a time a wintertime
eye gazing, blink occasionally #oneweek
this day, rhapsodic
hay infinitos más grandes que otros.
ej1. un hotel con cuartos infinitos (medible)
ej2. un hotel con personas infinitas en cuartos infinitos
juego: bajar escaleras eléctricas sin funcionar #trippy
believed : be lived
juego: confiar en las palabras
hipótesis del continuo: (no entiendo nada pero me gusta el nombre)ótesis_del_continuo
seguiré durmiendo
memoria desobediente
a scent bath,
45 HP PH
en una conversación: "porqué no improvisas?"
a free writing exercise:
hoy recibo
colocado en el mar anda
aquí, ahí
no es el un ni el solo,
es el mar que
n o s
un solo beso quien
46 HP PH
"if music be the food of love, play on"
Rusalka, Dvorak
Song to the Moon
-Renee fleming
47 HP PH
time doesn't stand still
by: asa mader and benjamin millepied
"...there are things that don't need to be spoken." -mader
48 HP PH
"you are the music
while the music lasts."
-T.S. Eliot
juego: free a memory
the body is a unity :)
"every act of perception , is to some degree an act of creation, and every act of memory is to some degree an act of imagination" -Edelman
un mosquito bilingüe
in the curious intermediate states between waking and asleep–
the hypnagogic: may precede sleep
the hypnopompic: may follow awakening
woody #funny
"the hearing of a melody is a hearing with the melody... the past can be there without being remembered, the future without being foreknown" -Victor Zuckerkandl
neurogamy, marriage of nervous systems, a communal experience (concerts)
e a
s ,
49 HP PH
asaf avidan and the mojos
thank you c for this gift (and each by each all the rest).
ps. explore them more #tip
50 HP PH
to the elephant,
sky debería ser verbo, eso me gustaría.
con cada experiencia me dejo y me permito llegar. me dejo ir nuevamente...
cómo llega una palabra a tu vida?
"we will cross that bridge when we get there" -him
"any conditions, any weather, any time" -a.
welcome to powerland
como diría don teofilito...
aquí extraños me dicen "enjoy" i obey.
felicidad #apresfondue
bailando con la montaña
53 HP PH
today, a birth place
just a minute before... letting yourself go
exploring mudras
hoy fui un péndulo! #fun
mi cuerpo y yo por una vida entera
i am putting these wings to test
el cielo me hipnotiza
encuentra tu propio camino #meditación
openess, a journey
del sol, un rayo
ask and wait
el lenguaje tiene límites :) exploremos sus bordes
j'aime la neuroscience! so damn fun!
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