
326 HP PH

tesoro, what is your contradiction?


curiosity :)

hacia el camino de la herbolaria. Al mercadito!

El medio es el mensaje.

i love congruency and incongruency, both and both at the same time.

Try to control the wind :)

random things that i just love... lo que es justo, when the guy at the deli counter gives me a free taste, ver nidos, drawing on steamy mirrors, figuring the plot twist before it actually happens, cleaning my computer, the sky, singing and dancing simultaneously, an unexpected hug, when strangers say hi, when people smile at me, finding money in my jeans, typing fast, peeling my sucks under the sheets, a long shower, keeping a promise, improvising, when the phone rings and is someone i was thinking about, listening to something that has never been heard before, sharing thoughts, learning new words, dreaming in another language, being able to go back and continue having the same dream i was having before i woke up, paradoxes!... ok i need to stop.

life is a gift, but it is also a choice.
what a great paradox, language :)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." de George Orwell en 1984

Renunciation is the way to experience freedom.

last night I had a dream. it said something about something. This time i am listening.


"O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!"
-Master Shakespeare

Some paradoxes:

Zeno's paradoxes: "You will never reach point B from point A as you must always get half-way there, and half of the half, and half of that half, and so on..."

Abilene paradox: People can make decisions based not on what they actually want to do, but on what they think that other people want to do, with the result that everybody decides to do something that nobody really wants to do, but only what they thought that everybody else wanted to.

Exception paradox: "If there is an exception to every rule, then every rule must have at least one exception; the exception to this one being that it has no exception." "There's always an exception to the rule, except to the exception of the rule — which is, in of itself, an accepted exception of the rule."

This time it took me so long to come back here. Today running felt different. Writing, also. i cannot perceive (now) what is going on. i feel different. i've been recognizing old fears. i thought they were gone, but they are here. let's look at them and see what they are trying to show me.

Napoleon. I love that name.




327 HP PH

close your eyes and when you open them up again, see how the world has changed.

"..." are funny!


mom says: "la clave del éxito está fuera del estado de confort" :) i love her.


¿porqué crees que nos conocimos? : porque lo mercíamos.
¿qué de la naturaleza te gusta más? : la vida

monday 8k- 59'09 wednesday 4k-24'

one minute, too late.


Prioritiza! (thanks for the advice g.)



328 HP PH

i feel so lucky! i love my jobs! i am happy about meeting these fantastic people and re-meeting them again!

un nuevo sentimiento... woow! leer una historia que jamás ha sido leída por nadie. a treasure. y comenzar a recrear la historia. mis palabras del año se hacen tangibles. i thank the trust that has been given.

to all the runners in the world, i salute you.

i enjoy being practical.

one and infinite journeys, simultaneously.

i want to dance, dance, dance! i miss it so much.

"la felicidad es una decisión" -BS

mi perro está soñando, y mueve la colita!

en el año 2011 quiero aprender a jugar golf jajajajaja ... no, en serio. jajjajaja...

i love the sky! it is has a massive effect in me.

go outside!

me entumí. coño!


the que. it was my favorite word when i was living in london. i remembered it yesterday.



329 HP PH

le trouvail

laughing is so good...

comenzando hacer mi playlist para noviembre 2010 en nyc. it is very exciting!
aún no sé la canción de la meta. Mi coach sugiere "space odyssey" de star wars mhmm... otros "gonna fly now", rocky and claro "we are the champions" who are these people?! perhaps haga esto un cliché. well a mi solo me gusta pensar en la idea.

sur la beauté... pourquoi nous sommes sensibles à la beauté? l'art modifie-t-il notre rapport à la réalité? eros. l'ordre. la culture. la securité. l'inspiration. le plaisir. le desir. humaine?

merci pour les papillotes! elles sont simplement delicieuses! et bon, pour le thé aussi! "L'esprit de Bouddha" j'aime bien le nom :)

"alors, je veux l'histoire!" -r. le tour du monde avec une auto ancienne... ça me fait plaisir.

hoy descubrí un sentimiento. satisfaction. mhm... en el sentido del trabajo. sometimes i am very harsh on myself... this time i was happy about my work.

life is a great tragedy!

run wild and look pretty!

Ce soir j'ai vu la lune. c'est pareil à la sourise du chat d'Alice au pays de merveilles. Je le sourise aussi.

luck? creo que es poder ser capaz de estar abierto ante la oportunidad que se presenta. so, does luck exist? yes and no.

hoy me hicieron esta pregunta: Qué es el tiempo sin ti? empo.

i love this feeling: being at the right place at the right time

i am nervous. 8k. sunday. i will not think about it. it is stressful. shouldn't be.

listening to "here comes your man"

i should really go to sleep now.

look around,



331 HP PH

a beauty!

members of the earth community


the richness of odors

humans are funny

quiero aprender a pararme de cabeza. upside down!

cambiar de opinión, warm feeling.

pain/love. both great masters. dolor widens perception y love guides all actions.


berries are the shit and of course everything is "que rico" here.

sensuality, yum!

hello stranger

we take the ocean for granted. we step at the edge of a very unfamiliar world. miles deep. a world within a world.

uniqueness is the necessary amount of aloneness

theory of mind. secondary theory of the mind.

it is time all of us become heroes.

"rest" -coach



332 HP PH

contenta! camino a la historia de México. a number of surprises...

mi amigo de la ópera me da consejos que aprende de su libro sobre "tao para cantantes". Me habla sobre la importancia de la palabra... creo en su poder. I like his authenticity.

mi otro amiguito de la ópera. he has so much talent and "luck" has arrived. life in the opera is wonderful but sometimes very lonely. i believe he will live his dream :)

having tea over rainbows. sweet!


how sweet a kiss can be? jiji

"mind is a razor blade"- José González

alguien quien respeto mucho me describió como "críptica"...wikidictionary: "enigmático, oscuro, dfícil de entender". mhm.... what to think...

i want to explore poetry. it is quite musical.



333 HP PH

hace poco me hicieron una pregunta y contesté... ni siquiera recuerdo qué pero en realidad a mi me cuesta trabajo las respuestas. A pesar de no tener la inmediatez, siempre tengo la perseverancia. aquí va:

P: "al final, ¿qué te gustaría ser?"

R: Quiero ser un mensaje.

Ahora mi pregunta es otra. "Qué mensaje?" "¿Para qué?" "¿Hacia qué?"

334 HP PH

gifts... they keep coming. wow! i send a smile to the world :)

this world is crazy. yey!

the abyss? hallucinations? eco challenge? sorrow?

the universe flows into me.

la sangre es... interesante.

a book, the book. i am really excited!

i like waking up. i loose the sense of who i am and where i am. It happens e/ day!


la intención

lección de mi coach: its all about the rhythm.

me gusta pensar en esta acción/idea/concepto: "donde come uno, comen todos"

Centenario y bicentenario. qué celebramos? 80% de pobres. Si es así, no me siento mexicana.

something's happening... the world has a new center.

use your legs. la velocidad, el fuego, el viento, el sudor, la tierra, la fuerza, la distancia, los químicos del cuerpo, el cerebro.

sometimes love is a choice "unchoiced" by 2 people

para el estrés y para my dear nelly: no tienes que tomar una decisión hasta que la tienes que tomar y a veces cuando la tomas ya está tomada.

we are moving forward to the past.

projects 2010, me estoy atascando?
1: "...y qué?" "so, be it..."
2: "respect yourself"
3: "cuál es tu intención?"
4: "all of the above"
5: "none of the above"

el rojo me persigue. catch me if you can!

umckaloabo: raíz africana para curar gripa... sobre todo en este cold fest.

escucho el piano.

haiti. silence.



John Lennon


335 HP PH

there is time.

conquer yourself.

it is starting to get confusing... i don't like confusion. i will let this feeling flow.

although e/ day is today, it is always different. it is us who "change. is it change?


la libertad? de dónde surge mi concepción de ella? existe? es universal? es atemporal? el otro? la ética? es posible en la vida?

el peso del cerebro es de 1.4 k. i am not what i think.

the word opera means "work"

para qué/por qué.


el"ruido" antecede a la música

the perception... still, fascinates me! patterns. animal patterns. subjetividad.

there is no such thing as "the same"

bones are so lovely!

sharing stories.

the waking state

i need some sun

paint w your imagination. it is fun!

sun and warm vibes,


336 HP PH


a little less gravity

bring adventure.

waking up! :)


my next challenge: skiing

my better is better


i am extremely happy!

a journey into the unknown

team work

the majesty of nature

iron will. try to find out what you can do. every breath is truly a gift.

be active. experience.

i believe
i become
an athlete.

can you list all the things you love about a person?

For insomniacs: There is a group of insomniacs who walk barefoot on the ground for two to four hours, and cure their insomnia. They get a good sleep after the walk and more.

They say that the dream you remember after you wake up, is a message to you.

"Everything is a blessing in disguise" 


No excuses


337 HP PH

why did you wake up in the morning? :)

bathing in light

x ray: we all look equally in the inside.

glowing in the dark. listen to the sound of the universe. dance!

i fell for neuroscience.

siente la fuerza de tus músculos. yum!

la velocidad de la luz es mayor a la velocidad del sonido.

Siento una clara admiración por los músicos.

"usa tu respiro" -unknown "si no es cómodo, no es bueno" -Corradina

¿Qué es la nostalgia?

I do not believe in miscommunication.

Imagina el color de tu sonrisa. Ahora, el de tu voz. what do you see? Es bonito que al imaginar, vemos al cerrar los ojos. :) I believe that is trust y apertura.

i want to talk about my dear friend nacho. we have known e/o for so many years but until a few months we have been really connecting. i can feel him. he is a-mazing. :) i am happy to be surrounded by all him. for 2010 i wish him light in order for him to see himself and contemplate his beauty.

i've felt it. i've always felt it. this time is not faith, but my senses that tells me so. I'm glad for the experience. crystalized, i do like this word. why does it keep showing? what does it try to communicate me? why do i have the feeling of "coming closer"? "coming closer to what? This is weird.

"so never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? it is probably worth it" -Alex Garland, The Beach

thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou,


how is it so easy to read others minds?

338 HP PH

qué poético es el amanecer.

He decidido entrenar para un maratón. Por ahora no sé si lo haré ya que me pesa mucho esta decisión, así que la tomaré en abril. Mientras tanto entrenar para un maratón es mi meta de 10 meses. En realidad, es una meta que implica muchas cosas porque también, además de ser meta, es medio. Es decir, es muchas otras cosas :) Qué implica?
-ver el amanecer
-comunicarme con mi cuerpo
-estar más saludable
-ser más flexible
-estar más fuerte (sobre todo de los brazos)
-trabajar la tenacidad
-comer nutritivo
-estar en contacto con la naturaleza
-practicar la constancia
-respirar (esto me emociona mucho mucho)
-despertarme temprano y claro esto hará que tendré que dormir temprano.
-modificar hábitos
-practicar la disciplina
-intentar ser mejor de lo que soy. A lo q me refiero es intentar ser lo mejor que puedo ser. Exponensiar mi potencialidad.
-Practicar la presencia, el enfoque y la concentración
-Liberar estrés
-Estar rodeada de gente que admiro: deportistas.

lección no. 1 de mi coach: siempre que puedas estírate. R: sí, es rico!
promedio velocidad 100 mts lisos: 22 segundos. Récord Olímpico: 10.62

Récords Olímpicos de Atletismo en Mujeres:


339 HP PH

this is my first sacrifice...

damn... my life is starting to change and "all this" starts tomorrow! i think i have no idea where this will take me... awesome!

i will miss some stuff i guess... but i'm super convinced about my decision and obviously this new habit.


ps. buenas noches!

340 HP PH

brava! admiro a la voz, al cuerpo. qué comunicación!

me gusta la naturalidad.

según mi entrenadora tengo el organismo de un niño de 12 años :)

celebración a la temporalidad.

me salgo de mi. it feels great. compassion. communion. caring. eye widens. communication. knowing. unknowing. exploring. space. love. sharing. interdependent. expanding.

training the mind.

wow! me acaban de decir que ya estoy más "aquí"! y que voy a empezar mis clases de canto con mi amiguito de la ópera! wow... i feel so lucky and happy.

perception. illusions. certezas. para qué sirven las ilusiones?




341 HP PH

wow! i do live my questions. i am my own experiment. Ayer me dijeron "mujer de palabra" it felt awesome. i'm becoming an athlete! mi pulso cardiaco lo dice & i obey my heart thus i will simply follow it! mis actos-mis hábitos-mis ritos-mi percepción is about to change. Let's see what occurs.

time is a place. Think about all the beauty around you. I learned something very recently "todos tienen algo que decir" and it is exactly right. I want to become more communicative... yep, let's do that. this question remains in my body: what is communication?

fears are beautiful. i've been smiling to some of them and they are funny. they make me laugh about myself, which i enjoy very much.

"minds will wonder to wonderous places... such a happy human race" -Dave Matthews Band

can i exist for myself? a dónde fui? i am aware of the change. I embrace it :)

"if you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito"-Dalai L.

breathing can change everything!

i like the word "tripping".

soy un poquito dispersa. i am not sure if i want to accept it or change it. creo que cuando estoy con gente no lo gozo tanto como cuando estoy solita. para mi nunca es negro o blanco, me gustan los colores, los aromas, planos, conexiones y claro los matices. i am a romantic after all...

i do feel nostalgia. powerful.




342 HP PH

happy 2010! what a beginning! i was very aware of the process. present. eternal. atemporal. connected. light. delight. smile. communion. sharing present-s. opened. WELCOME.

i met beautiful people! eye flowers. i'm thankful.

fear is just a thought.

canalización de energía. nuestros cuerpos.

on perception: las formas/maneras/modos/cómo/process/camino/donde- i choose others that are even more delightful. oh lucy...quite an experience though.

human-Being yes, that's exactly right!

The Sky!!!!!! i love you.

parallel lines meet at infinity. not infinity as in finite but as lack of time, only in the present. there's light everywhere.

2010-11 awareness
2010-20 creación

"...si nos perdemos, nada pasará" -Fobia

moonlight :) pretty image.

move, es rico!
