
white birth

un instante es infinito
un retorno.
nos a cerca


pre texto

not a beginning
but a night-dream
(already written in a dark book).

a story that cannot be revealed

if we want to be together
then lets become images
and play in this memory

do not even blink 
i'm afraid that our light
blinds it. 

without any space 
we cannot Be
lets imagine one for the world to exist. 



y no es.


la femme,
rouge sexe
qui habite 
la vie en la muerte
con ciclos que se bañan en mikvé
y se abren al devolver.


feelings need to be felt

to my sweet nelly

"the pleasure in a poem... comes from the delight of gradual understanding: to guess step by step, that is the dream... this secret miracle that constitutes symbolism lies in evoking an object little by little, to reveal a spiritual condition". 
Stéphane Mallarmé

once i thought i had become senseless 
when sadness was not vertigo anymore.
i got scared... i smiled
yes (obviously) i could feel
but feelings felt different
"opposite" f. shared the same space
face to face
a parody?
nop, nop: harmony.

if your eyes make you see, then
master past can show you better
there is no need to know what comes next
when fear returns back to dust
and faith leads you to commit yourself to your best possibility.

undictionary word

moi, je suis hereuse 
i thank every person that i have borrowed in life
even myself.

muchas gracias.


gentle transparency

(an apology for 'm late)

nos donamos la libertad
like old souls that do right
and left.

a fearless ambiguity
us needed back.
we have chosen limits
and sacrifice immediacy 
for eternity.

possibly maybe
water is what we take today
in me and you there is no regret
but happiness.

thankyou, for there was never a painful name. 


el auto araña

me no no like i' :
me puse muy de mal humor ese día :/