i feel super pissed off
344 HP PH
i see you
poder ver-te en los ojos de alguien y compartir una cosmovisión: love.
It was a great delight to watch Avatar. it must be experienced in 3d. it is inspiring, strong and epic. it reminded me from who we are, together. Wake up! we are killing our mother! my body is my avatar. Siente ser.
e/ person is born twice.
happy birthday grandpa! 89! qué honor ser parte de tus ramas.
life always has a twist.
hoy le enseñé a mi sobrina lo que significa "propósitos". renata is so charming! tengo un nuevo sobrinito Caleb. Welcome Back!
i want to stop comparing myself w my sister. it is unhealthy. Creo en la igualdad de todas las personas.
it is almost the end of the 00s.
time. i respect you.
be true,
345 HP PH
Happy birthday my amazing Roger! qué tengas un lindísimo nuevo año! full of joy, fun and lots of great food con tus amiguitos y us :) hemos crecido juntos and i am so thankful for that. i feel extremely lucky to have met us. somos amigos y familia :) eres un perrito demasiado noble, chistoso, muy glotonsito y desbordantemente bello! i love you. Happy 12 añitos!
x=y: metaphor
I want to remember this forever "click".
1810 independencia
1910 revolución
2010 creación
so this is xmas! i have been resting, thinking, energyzing and writing my new year's resolutions. ding, dong, ding, dong!
i just had postits and a yellow notebook! happy, happy, happy!
Flowers (sigh). prime numbers. to serve. involution.
el viento es transparente, puro, humilde y generoso. es y da lo que es: movimiento. i respect it.
my body is my sanctuary.
abandon mental possessions and reveal your love.
stop and listen,
347 HP PH
nectar. polinización.
i like spiders.
postre fest. all week i ate sweets: chocolate bars and cakes. fondant au chocolat. strawberries with chocolate. zarzamoras. mermelada de fresa. paleta de fresa con vainilla. ate con queso. arequipe. crepas. helado de vainilla. trufas. churros. galletas marías. macarrones de muchos sabores. oh my! wtf!
i have beautiful new friends. sobre todo una persona en especial. we already care for each other :) it's so sweet. she always smiles.
i have to take care of my body!!!! indigestión.
El futuro cambia al ser visualizado en el presente? la rama del árbol hizo ruido si nadie la escuchó? el papel del creer en el crear? el misticismo?
infant memories! 90s back.
cantar villancicos con opera singers... not very bright. i loooove being surrounded by such talented people. music, voice, dreams and hard work. i hope to see brenda next semester.
ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song. with joyful ring.
revealing dreams. intentaré poner más atención a los símbolos q me presentan.
estoy en holidays!!!!!!!!!! sleeping, running, teas, breakfast, beach, museums, theatre, music and absolute relaxation!
"haz como los peces... nada"
348 HP PH
soy un microcosmos. el universo y yo somos. :)
the beauty of "we". la parte, el todo. one and all. salirte de ti y regresar expandido. we are looking together for "us" e/o "how" s/he can. so we, all can be one again. we are going back home. that's why our memory is so important. we all need to remember "this".
"Tengo todas las edades en mi" -a.
dalylight: fascinating!
mi perrito está a dieta. le di ensalada y no le gusta. jajaja debería de ser solidaria con él caray.
life is too short for bs
nuevo descubrimiento: David Bohm, físico cuántico.
about respect. hoy pensé en ellos :) generalmente a quienes respeto, admiro. algunas veces no respeto mi cuerpo. let's show my love for my space, for this life, for all.
time is an illusion.
strange memories are back. i enjoy living again those instants. it reminds me of who i am.
i have an issue: communication.
the greatest loop, the present.
si me muriera y reencaranara en este mundo, quisiera ser un árbolito.
349 HP, PH
j'ai déjà fait la confiture de fraise! moi, une petite chef :)
present! even my astrologist tells me that i am always thinking about who i want to become therefore i don't know myself... kind of true.
i woke up this morning thinking about living in Berlin. I will do that :)
i have to take care of my body.
la dolce vita
si no es aquí, no es ninguna parte.
350 days to go HP PH
me siento parte del universo. this is so beautiful.
socialmente hay cambios. like, like.
yesterday, i opened my new moleskin! it is red jajaja i always choose black but i can't remember why i chose red. i believe that it was not me who did that. anyways, i wrote des projéts que j'ai pour l'année prochain. 2010. it does make me smile, a lot! visually, it looks pretty. j'ai déjà le mot et le numéro: 3/création.
being practical is relaxing
i love my family. i just talked to grandpa. he is so nice, sweet and funny. he is turning 89 soon! he loves cake.
i enjoy looking at the sky.
i've got to go!
siempre es hoy.
i feel life.
tanti auguri,
ps. today, i thought a lot about a good friend, salito. i like his innocence, his honesty and his lightness. he is so special.
wonders of beauty a viajar!
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
Cappadocia, Turkey
Red Sea Reef, Saudi Arabia
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Dead Sea, Israel
Mount Damāvand, Iran
Maldive Islands, Maldives
Sidapan Island and Mount Kinabalu Malaysia
Shilin Stone Park, China
Mount Huang and k2, China
Sundarbans Forest and Cox 's Bazar Forest, Bangladesh
Mud Volcano, Azerbaijan
Serengeti Migration and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Table Mountain, South Africa
Sossusvlei, Namibia
Tsingy de Bemarha Strict Nature Rereve, Madagascar
Avenue of Boababs, Madagascar
Mount Kenya, Kenya
Norfolk Island National Park, Norfolk Island
Milford Sound, New Zealand
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
The Pinnacles, Australia
Uluru, Australia
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
White Cliffs of Dover, UK
Giant's Causeway, Ireland 
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Đavolja Varoš, Serbia
Retezat National Park, Romania
Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion (France close to India)
Duero River, Portugal

Cervino, Matterhorn, Italy and Switzerland
Vatnajokull Glacier, Iceland
Cliffs Moher, Ireland

Sossusvlei, Namibia

Štrbské pleso Lake, Slovakia

Matka Canyon, Republic of Macedonia

Geirangerfjord, Norway

Blue Grotto, Italy

Belogradchik Rocks, Bulgaria

Caves of Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium
Lake Orchid, Albania Macedonia
Dean's Blue Hole, Bahamas
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Huascarán National Park, Peru

Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

Atacama dessert, Chile
Laguna Colorada, Bolivia
Yellowstone National Park, USA
Grand Canyon, USA
Yosemite, National Park, USA

El Tatio, Chile

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